It's me. Hi.

About me

In discovery mode

My name is Lucy, and I used to only share about my career accolades. If that is more interesting to you, then you can get a glimpse of that here. Otherwise, I would like for you to get to know me the way my friends do – goofy, quirky and resourceful.

My blog shares about moments that offered dimension in my life when work could not. Even though work is metaphorically the main course in my life – because it pays the bills and takes up a third of my time, I have finally come to terms that work does not have to “make the meal”. I am not yet at dessert – because that would metaphorically signify a sweet ending, but I am constantly digging into invigorating opportunities – you know – making life appetizing.

Disclaimer: This is not a food blog, but I may blog about food.
